Catering Equipment photos and prices-Canterbury Catering Hire
Crossback chair hire
Rustic tables and chairs
Chiavari chair hire
Medway Queen Paddle Steamer Chatham
White wedding chairs
White folding padded chairs
White folding padded chair hire
Furniture hired to Chilham village hall
Wedding event Kent
Benches and table hire
Gazebo, chairs, tables, crockery and glass hire
£135.00+vat includes gas
£95.00+vat full gastro fan oven
£65.00+vat electric hot cupboard
£25.00+vat Buffalo fryer 2.8kw
£50.00+vat twin 5 litre fryers
£130.00+vat barbecue includes gas
£130.00+vat 1000mm by 480mm with gas
£130.00+vat size 102cm/64cm
£95.00+vat Paella pan set 90cm
£15.00+vat 48cm 29cm 6cm
£15.00+vat Split warmer with fuel
Food warmers with fuel gels
£25.00+vat Gas sold separately
£70.00+vat size 330 litres
£70.00+vat size 170/60/60cm
£70.00+vat bottle fridge 180 units
£55.00+vat holds 50 standard bottles
£60.00+vat Capacity 300 litre
£45.00+vat 60 litre capacity
£20.00+vat holds 140 cans
£4.50+vat capacity 24 litres
£7.50+vat capacity 80+ beer cans
£18.00+vat electric water boiler
£20.00+vat holds 16 litres
£5.00+vat capacity 5 litres
£9.00+vat canteen pot 8 pints
£18.00+vat food warmer 10 litres
£25.00+vat electric 30portions 15mins
£38.00+vat loud 160watt
£38.00+vat includes microphone
£1.20+vat platter 500mm
£2.50+vat platter 660mm 460mm
£4.00+vat size 530/325/65mm
£2.50+vat size 325/265/65mm
£4.00+vat size 46/36/5cm
£3.00+vat with 3 x 20cm plates
£3.50+vat with 3 x 25cm plates
10 inch serving dish 50p+vat
£9.00+vat cake stand 7 tiers
£45.00+vat holds 80 plates
£7.00+vat cake base 35cm
£7.00+vat size 30cm23cm15cm